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About Us




    Inspired by the development of local policy potential, and from the benefits of coffee itself, we are here to provide a platform to bring goodness and benefits to all, especially coffee farmers, workers and more widely our customers.

    We believe in the principle of doing good and more than just profit. Our story starts in 2023, inspired by the unification of processes from upstream to downstream, from the coffee plantation, post-harvest, industrialization process until the coffee is served in a delicious cup of coffee.

    Grown at altitudes above 750 meters above sea level, our coffee thrives in the hands of our farmers who care for it with love red picking is carried out, and the quality is maintained. The roasting process is carried out carefully by experts which produces good quality roasting results. Our product services, including making private label products, permits & legality products and toll manufacturing.

   So we provide one stop coffee lovers service from upstream to downstream we also serve palm sugar products, which are inspired by the development potential of our region.


+62 813 925 88055

Office, factory & roastery:

Kalitirto, Berbah Sleman Yogyakarta

Plantation & Roastery:

Temanggung Regency, Central Java, Indonesia

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